*We are fully booked into Fall 2025. Workshop hrs by appointment only.
klacko superwind 350

Superwind Wind Turbine Story

SUPERWIND TECHNOLOGY HAS BEEN PROVEN TIME AND AGAIN IN THE MOST EXTREME CONDITIONS. Pricing & Details from Klacko Marine How do Superwind’s turbines survive when others cannot? When Martin van Egeren and Klaus Krieger, superwind GmbH´s founders, started out in business, they knew, just a better wind turbine was not the answer.  Instead, they set[…]

take the waters

Take The Waters | Beneteau 46 Oceanis

Adventure awaits Recently had the pleasure to work for Brian and Mandi Russel to design and fabricate a custom davit and solar arch for their Beneteau 46 Oceanis sv Shonto. The results were well received and the arch has already found some interesting uses (see video below). They have been chronicling their up & down[…]

Gozzard s/v Riparian with Sunware & Superwind

Sunware TX panels and Superwind Textile Sunware TX flexible solar panel and Superwind 350 (sw 350) quiet wind turbine. Klacko Marine is the authorized distributor of Sunware and Superwind. Please contact us for updated pricing and technically information. The Superwind turbine is the leading micro windturbine on the market. It is the only product that[…]

Powerbarr Solar Charging Units

Interesting winter project here at Klacko. We were contracted to aid in a design/build of a prototype aluminum enclosure for an autonomous charging station.a After a very successful Kickstarter campaign, they are now doing a second production run of the POWERBARR ARGON. Made up of anodized aluminum, the enclosure is designed to be weather resistant and[…]